The Web Bot technology is now predicting a 1.289+ billion mega-death resulting from an “ill-wind” and the BP Gulf oil disaster. Researcher Clif High has published a prediction expecting a ‘tipping point’ around November 8, 2010 into global nuclear war, triggered by a mistaken Israeli-influenced attack on Iran that could come anytime after July 11, 2010.
The BP Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe was arguably foreseen in prophetic scenarios as set out in various sacred prophecy texts such as the Book of Revelation and the Hopi Prophecy’s Seventh Sign, as well as the visions and prophecies of 20th and 21st century psychics, extraterrestrial contactees, and shamans such as psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), Argentina’s ET contacteeBenjamin Solari Parravicini (1898-1974) and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa (1921 – present).
The Web Bot ALTA report and Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa – both of whom arguably accurately predicted the BP Gulf of Mexico oil catastrophe before it occurred - are now predicting the BP Gulf oil catastrophe may one of the largest single human depopulation events in history.
A Web-Bot ALTA report dated June 21, 2010 predicts that “1.289+ billion people” may die from the catastrophic effects of the April 20, 2010 BP oil spill and related environmental impacts in a period starting mid-July 2010. The Web-Bot ALTA REPORT states that “The [oil volcano] subset continues to gain support in support of the [ill winds] area, and is still gaining support for those subsets indicating that 1.289+ billion people will perish as a result of the [ill winds] and the [oil volcano].”
According to Web Bot, this high death figure may come as a result of interactivity between the impact of the BP oil catastrophe and an expected global nuclear war starting around the period commencing November 8, 2010.
Zulu shaman and noted author Credo Mutwa on January 7, 2010 predicted an oil-related catastrophe, approximately two and one-half months before the April 20, 2010 BP Gulf oil spill occurred. On January 7, 2010, an individual who reportedly had just attended a meeting with Zulu shaman and author Credo Mutwa in Africa posted the following message on an internet chat board, “Credo Mutwa apparently just now said half the worlds population won’t see 2011 at a gathering where I'm attending. Some delegates have walked out because he didn't want to give an acceptable explanation, he just said ‘it's no asteroid, comet, plague, ... just OIL’
The current world population is estimated at 6.7 billion. If half the world’s population were to die of causes that can be originally tied to the BP Gulf oil catastrophe (as well as nuclear war), that would mean that approximately 3.3 billion persons would die if Credo Mutwa’s prediction came true. It should be noted that an alternative multi-dimensional ‘reading’ regarding the accuracy of Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa’s psychic prediction indicated that Credo Mutwa’s information may have been derived from “lower astral” dimensions influenced by reptilian factors that Mr. Mutwa tends to focus on. A review of the literature reveals a number of hypothetical worst-case scenarios for the ecological, biosphere, economic and social impact of the BP oil spill, as well as intentional international destabilization resulting in global nuclear war. One of these worst case scenarios is that the BP oil spill (and a possible 2010 global nuclear war) are part of an intentional depopulation plan, undertaken and designed by a Rothschild-Rockefeller led (or possible grey-reptilian extraterrestrial influenced) Malthusian elite to eliminate a substantial portion of present humanity – from one billion persons to half or more of our current human population. has reported there exists empirical research based on direct reports of abducted persons connecting a grey and hybrid extraterrestrial intervention strategy to a global environmental catastrophe. An analysis of the BP oil spill worst case scenarios and of the Web Bot and ALTA report technology itself suggests, however, that the Web Bot predictions may based on memes generated by the Web Bot and other worst case predictions themselves. In this case, a hacking of the website and illegal distribution of the Web Bot ALTA report containing the prediction of 1.2 billion dead from the BP oil spill may itself have led to the self-fulfilling meme magnification effect in the Web Bot prediction. has reported on this short-coming of the Web Bot technology in our reporting on the “2012 catastrophe meme”: “(A) 2012 meme - One possibility is that the Web Bot technology may be detecting the presence on the Internet of an escalating meme regarding a ‘repetition of a Carrington-type [solar flare] event during the 2012-13 solar maximum,’ rather than an actual future event. This is the more probable 2012 reality.” Mr. High has also exhibited a tendency to refer readers to cataclysmic 2012-13 pole shift scenarios that are scientifically implausible.
The same methological shortcoming may apply to the Web Bot prediction of global nuclear war by November 2010. Such maverick leaders as former Cuban President Fidel Castro Ruz in a June 27, 2010 letter predicts a Web Bot-like scenario whereby a global nuclear war would erupt out of a U.S.-Israeli attack on Iran and would itself disrupt the world’s food supply and have incalculable effect on the environment. The Web Bot may be processing future memes of catastrophe and reifying them into actual war. Regarding the Web Bot’s reports of possible global nuclear war by Nov. 2010, has reported on the concerns of extraterrestrial civilizations about the detrimental dimensional impacts of possible global nuclear war. has reported that “There is converging objective predictive evidence, expert opinion, exopolitical policy analysis, and extraterrestrial contactee communications supporting a hypothesis that large scale “wild card” event(s), involving mass extraterrestrial (UFO) sightings or landings over major urban or other visible centers on the planet for peaceful purposes may occur during the period leading up to 2011-12 or beyond.”
Thus, should an unwise U.S. and Israeli attack on Iran escalate into global nuclear war, it is plausible, by objective evidence, that extraterrestrial civilizations may intervene to prevent such a war (or in aid of a false flag ET invasion).
This article explores the evidence that, despite the Web Bot and ALTA reports predictions of mega death from the BP oil disaster and possible 2010 (and beyond) nuclear war, the objective reality is that (1) mega death will probably not occur; (2) global nuclear war will not occur; and (3) Extraterrestrial civilizations may intervene to prevent a global nuclear holocaust destroying the ecology of Earth and humankind, or as a false flag ET operation to impose a global oppressive dictatorship on humanity.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Seattle Exopolitics Examiner June 30, 2010
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