What is an IRC bot?
An automated client:
To an IRC server, an IRC bot is virtually indistinguishable from a regular IRC client (i.e., a person using a program such as X-Chat, mIRC, or ircii). However, there's no person typing behind an IRC bot. It only makes automated responses, based on (usually) what is happening on IRC. An IRC bot can do things based on public messages, private messages, pings, or any other IRC event. But a bot isn't limited to the world of IRC. It can talk to a database, the web, a filesystem, or anything else you may imagine.
Here are some common IRC bots that you may have seen in your travels already:
File serving: This type of bot emulates an FTP program by interfacing with a filesystem. Users talk to the bot using private messages with commands like "ls" and "get". The user can send and receive files using DCC (a part of IRC that allows the initiation of peer-to-peer file transfers).
Channel administration: This bot maintains a list of channel ops (people who run the channel) and makes sure they stay in control of it, even if individual people are disconnected. They may also kick people from the channel who violate its etiquette (e.g., talking in all caps, using colors, flooding, etc.)
Games: Some bots will allow the people in the channel to text-based games. We'll learn later how to program a trivia bot.
What you need to program an IRC bot
1. Perl
2. Net::IRC Module
3. IRC server
HelloBot is a greeting bot. When a user, let's give him the nick "Joe," joins a channels, HelloBot will say "Hello, Joe!" When Joe leaves, HelloBot will say "Goodbye, Joe!" (Of course, since Joe has already left, he won't see the message, but other users in the channel will.)
Brian Seitz, What is IRC bot, Retrieve 11/10/2001
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